Looking back over this blog’s first six months, I notice three items that need tending.

First, a postscript to the loss of my friend Steve’s French Brittany, Kate: He brought home her two-month-old niece this past Friday. Cath and I got to meet her yesterday. Yes, she is as sweet and silky soft as she looks.
Second, some acknowledgments are in order. My thanks:
- To all of you who read the odds and ends I share here. But for you, these posts would languish in cyberspace, noticed only by the vulture-like Google bots circling overhead.
- To the fraction of readers who take the time to share thoughts here. The ideas and questions you contribute bring far greater life to mine.
- To all who have generously included me in your blog rolls.
- To all who have mentioned or linked to my blog in a post, including Melissa at Hunt. Gather. Love., Allison at Crossfit New York, Josh at Ethics and the Environment and Lands on the Margin, Eric at Fair Chase, Casey at Wandering Owl Outside, Albert at The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles, Jim at Grousers, and Daniel at Casual Kitchen.
- To those who have made a special point of highlighting my blog on theirs, including Holly at NorCal Cazadora (who sent a bunch of folks my way back in January, when I only had two posts up), Ingrid at The Free Quark, Doug at Harris’ Hawk Blog, Kari at I Don’t Wear Pink Camo to the Woods, and, from across the pond, The Suburban Bushwacker.
As a first step in paying things forward, I encourage you to check out Tamar Haspel’s delightful blog Starving Off the Land, if you haven’t already. Two years ago, Tamar and her husband relocated from Manhattan to Cape Cod. Their goal in 2009 was, every day, to eat one thing they had grown, fished, hunted, or gathered.
This fall will be Tamar’s first deer hunt. Having hunted deer on the Cape in my first season—with my hunting mentor, my Uncle Mark—I’m looking forward to hearing how it goes for Tamar. I wish her more success than I had my first year. Or my second. Or my third.
Finally, about those scavenging Google bots. As anyone with a blog or website knows, they send visitors in hundreds of wacky ways. I’d like to share a few favorite searches that led folks here over the past six months:
- “Are elf owls carnivores or vegetarians?” – Carnivores, if you count insects as carne. The swift, stealthy, typically nocturnal hunting habits of an owl would be wasted on vegetables, don’t you think?
- “Does prey suffer while being swallowed?” – If the suppositions of this blog’s readers are correct, that depends on the amount of euphoric neurotoxin involved.
- “Wild animals have no lace in the 21st century…” – I hope this was a typo and you meant “place.” If not, where can I read more about their use of fancy clothing and lingerie in previous centuries?
Photo by Carl Brandon - “Physics involved car hitting moose” – The physics involved are very, very bad. See photo at right. At highway speed, this is the best-case scenario.
- “Is hitting a moose in a car worse than hitting a pig?” – Yes. Much worse. Unless the pig is on stilts and, like a bull moose, weighs nearly as much as a Volkswagen Beetle. See physics inquiry above and photo at right.
© 2010 Tovar Cerulli