Suppose you knew someone who was asked to write an encyclopedia entry.
Category: Uncategorized
You never know
I once knew a man who had a small horizontal sign above his front door frame, up against the ceiling. If you looked up, you saw it just before you stepped outside: “You never know.” The more time I spend in the woods, the more sense the motto makes.
The not-so-clean kill: Intent gone wrong
Had I, he asked, ever wounded an animal but failed to kill and recover it? If so, how did I deal with that?
The world of hunting: Diversity in plain sight
Every once in a while, a non-hunter asks me, “What’s the hunter’s perspective on such-and-such?”
Huntophobia: A reader rethinks anti-hunter prejudice
You never know how a conversation will reverberate, or what shape its echoes will take if they return to you.
Westward bound
If you live in or near one of these cities, please stop by, with friends in tow.
“Natural causes”: Life and death, food and fantasy
What is so compelling about the idea of life lasting until an organism gives up the ghost of its own accord?