Mindful carnivores here, there, and everywhere

The Mindful Carnivore has been spotted in the wild.

First, came the Facebook page. Before I even had the thing properly set up, it was discovered by fellow vegetarian-turned-hunter Anthony Lynn, out in British Columbia. He “liked” it. (If Facebook was a truly social medium, I think he would—at the very least—have had the option to “love” it, “hate” it, or “not give a damn.”)

Second, came the online bookstores. The first sighting was made, yes, out in British Columbia, by Anthony. How the book slipped over the border—appearing on Amazon.ca days before it showed up on any U.S. website—is a mystery to me. Maybe Canada has a special program for carnivores seeking dietary asylum.

Now the book is popping up all over the place. Here in the U.S, you can reserve a copy through Amazon, Books-a-Million, or Barnes & Noble. And Powell’s should be listing it soon. (The February release will also include multiple eBook formats.)

Or you can get your local bookstore to pre-order the hardcover for you, through Indiebound or by asking directly. I love the idea of hundreds of bookstores across the continent getting pre-order requests for a book they haven’t even heard of yet.

Third and last, comes the renovated website. You’ll see the book cover on the sidebar and a brief description on the new home page.

In redesigning the site, I’ve done some tidying and reorganizing. With the exception of the blogroll, links have been cleared from the sidebars and now have their own pages. All the old resources are there, and then some. The list of recommended books, for instance, has expanded to almost fifty. If you come across any glitches while navigating the new site, please let me know.

By the way, Anthony, I don’t know whether or not you spotted this new website design at the “sandbox” url where I’ve been tinkering over the past couple weeks. Either way, I’m impressed by your knack for finding things. I could use a hunting companion like you. Whatever your method, it beats the one I’m most familiar with: blind luck.

(Note: Thanks to Ken Thomas for permission to use his photo of a white-tailed doe in one of the randomly rotating header images above.)

© 2011 Tovar Cerulli


  1. Al Cambronne says:

    Congratulations on the (almost!) release of your book!!! Nice website makeover, too, by the way. I’ve just pre-ordered a copy. I am now waiting impatiently at the mouth of the Amazon…

  2. Steve M. says:

    Can’t wait to see the new book. I use your stuff frequently to elaborate on ideas that I have had but could never put into words as eloquently and thoughtfully as you do. Great stuff and a handy bridge to communication with people who think they are on opposite sides of a moral issue.

    • Tovar says:

      Thanks, Steve. That’s high praise indeed. Bridging that supposed moral gap has, of course, been a central part of my journey, and is a central part of what I hope the book will help accomplish.

  3. John Barbano says:

    Congratulations on your book … your hardwork has paid off. Best wishes on its success..signed, the Mindless Meat-eater 🙂

    • Tovar says:

      Thanks, SBW! As I just mentioned over on Facebook, the book may be distributed in the UK. In any case, we’ll make sure you get a copy.

  4. Tovar, I’m thrilled for you. Having your ideas, and your expression of them, validated by people who think there’s a book in them is tremendously exciting. I’ll pick my copy up the moment it’s out.

  5. kmurray says:

    Congrats Tovar on all that has taken place up until this point, and on all that is to come! I personally can’t wait to pick up my own copy at the local book store!

    I’m so happy for you and wish you the very best in all aspects on this adventure!

  6. Kevin Peer says:

    An immense, hearty congratulations to you on the upcoming birth of your book. It is a great feeling to know that ‘our side’ of the hunting tale will be shared by many through the work of such a skilled wordsmith as yourself. May your book be a great success in any and all ways that you hope for.

    • Tovar says:

      Thanks for the enthusiastic congratulations, Kevin, and your generous assessment of my work. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book itself!

  7. Well, Tovar, I have finally made it to your site! Congratulations on the publication! I’m sure there is a great sigh of relief and and equally exhilarated anticipation for the reactions to come. No doubt they will be mixed, but I feel the lion’s share will be delivered with positive fanfare.

    I’ve sent an email containing this URL (with great encouragement to take the immersive links for a ride !!), introducing you to Dan Small, owner/producer of Dan Small Outdoors Radio, proposing a future interview. It’s quite likely he will contact you soon. I will look forward to hearing the interview. “>)

    I’m looking forward to reading the book as well. Take care. Be talking w/you online.

    (aka: les booth)

    • Tovar says:

      Thanks, Arthur!

      I look forward to being in touch with Dan. It’ll probably make most sense to do an interview around the time when the book is released in February, but he and I can figure that out.

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