Selected essays and articles
In Pursuit of Wild Places and Wild Food — Covers (Spring 2025)
It is with food on the table, literally or figuratively, that we can tell hunting’s most essential story: Eating wild—core to our collective heritage as human beings—still matters.
Ma’iingan and Other Cultural Wolves — International Wolf (Fall 2017)
To listen and think in these ways, we must dig deep. If everyone involved can do this, perhaps we can begin to treat each other with mutual respect.
“Ma’iingan Is Our Brother”: Ojibwe and Non-Ojibwe Ways of Speaking about Wolves — Published in The Handbook of Communication in Cross-cultural Perspective (2016)
Hunter and Non-Hunters: Honoring Shared Values — Petersen’s (Aug 2016)
The future of hunting does not depend primarily on defeating a handful of committed opponents who loathe all hunting. It depends on demonstrating to everyone else that most hunting is guided by values they share.
Blind Men and the Elephant of Conservation — Leopold Foundation (Jan 2016)
The relation of people to each other. The relation of people to land. What if conservationists devoted equal attention to both?
A Caretaker and a Killer — (March 2014)
Wildlife conservation faces serious challenges. To meet them, hunters and environmentalists must join forces, overcoming the mutual stereotypes and suspicions that obscure our common ground.
Paying for State Wildlife Conservation — Northern Woodlands (Autumn 2013)
For three-quarters of a century, state fish and wildlife agencies have depended almost entirely on money generated by license sales and federal excise taxes. But trouble is afoot.
Killing and Grinning — High Country News (October 2013)
The image is familiar: A hunter crouches beside a dead deer or elk, grinning into the camera. What do we make of this picture?
Devouring the World — Aeon Magazine (September 2012)
Once upon a time, I believed in the tidy taxonomy of the grocery store.
On Hating Hunters and Becoming One — The Center for Humans & Nature
Listening to early morning gunfire roll across hills and valleys during November deer season, I used to hear the sound of evil.
The Meaning of Meat — Northern Woodlands (Winter 2011)
As a teenager, Deborah Perkins found hunting repulsive. Now she, like other “adult-onset hunters,” looks to the land for sustenance.
Hunting Like a Vegetarian: Same Ethics, Different Flavors
Published in Hunting—Philosophy for Everyone: In Search of the Wild Life (2010)
Certification Comes to Family Forests — Northern Woodlands (Spring 2009)
More and more private landowners are joining third-party certification systems originally designed with industrial logging in mind.
Full Circle — Outdoor America (Winter 2008)
What does it mean to eat?
Life and Death — Northern Woodlands (Winter 2006)
Disrespectful hunting has its own lessons to teach.
Good Year, Bad Year — Northern Woodlands (Autumn 2006)
In the Northeast, why are grouse thick as black flies one year, and rare as hen’s teeth the next?